International Cherry Pit Spitting Day

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International Cherry Pit Spitting Day
International Cherry Pit Spitting Day

On the first Saturday of July, we commemorate International Cherry Pit Spitting Day. What began as a playful jest by Herb Teichman of Eau Claire in 1974 has blossomed into an enduring yearly festivity. The highlight of this occasion is the International Cherry Pit Spitting Championship, held annually since its inception, drawing participants from all corners of the United States. The essence of the day lies in expelling cherry remnants and propelling them as far as one can. It's a delightful opportunity to engage in friendly competition with friends and family to determine who can propel their cherry pit the greatest distance.

Origins and History

  • Origin: The origins of Cherry Pit Spitting Day are not well-documented, but it is believed to have started as a fun tradition among friends or community members.
  • Date: It is celebrated on the first Saturday of July each year, coinciding with the peak of cherry season in many parts of the world.

Purpose and Objectives

  • Fun and Entertainment: The main objective of Cherry Pit Spitting Day is to provide entertainment and amusement through a quirky and competitive activity.
  • Celebrating Cherries: It celebrates cherries and highlights their popularity as a summer fruit.
  • Community Engagement: It fosters community spirit and participation in a light-hearted and inclusive event.

Activities and Competitions

  • Cherry Pit Spitting Contest: Participants compete to spit cherry pits the farthest distance. The contest may have different categories based on age or gender.
  • Rules: Contest rules typically require participants to spit the pit from their mouth without using their hands and measure the distance from the spitting line to where the pit lands.
  • Judging: Judges or officials oversee the competition and measure the distance of each spit to determine the winners.

Cultural Significance

  • Traditional Fun: In some regions, Cherry Pit Spitting Day may be part of local summer festivals or celebrations, adding to the cultural charm and uniqueness of the event.
  • Community Gatherings: It brings people together to enjoy outdoor activities and celebrate the joys of summer.

How to Celebrate

  • Organize a Contest: Host a Cherry Pit Spitting contest at a community event, backyard barbecue, or picnic.
  • Family Fun: Enjoy the day with family and friends by spitting cherry pits in a friendly competition.
  • Share on Social Media: Share photos, videos, and stories of your Cherry Pit Spitting Day experience on social media using hashtags like #CherryPitSpittingDay or #InternationalCherryPitSpittingDay.

Fun Facts about Cherries

  • Health Benefits: Cherries are rich in antioxidants and nutrients, including vitamin C and potassium.
  • Varieties: There are different varieties of cherries, including sweet cherries (e.g., Bing, Rainier) and tart cherries (e.g., Montmorency).
  • Culinary Uses: Cherries are used in various culinary dishes, desserts, jams, and beverages.


International Cherry Pit Spitting Day is a whimsical and enjoyable event that celebrates cherries and encourages friendly competition among participants. Whether you're participating in a local contest or simply enjoying cherries with friends and family, the day brings a sense of fun and community spirit during the summer season.