International Zine Month

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International Zine Month
International Zine Month

Prepare to embrace creativity and individuality on July 1st as we kick off International Zine Month! Originating in 2009, this month-long festivity aims to spotlight zines, self-published magazines or booklets renowned for their personal artwork, writing, and distinctive viewpoints. With roots dating back to the 1930s, zines have served as a platform for marginalized communities to amplify their voices and narratives.

Origins and Purpose

  • Inception: International Zine Month was created by Alex Wrekk in 2009 to celebrate and promote zine culture globally.
  • Purpose: The primary purposes of International Zine Month are to:
    • Celebrate the art and culture of zine-making.
    • Encourage people to create and share their own zines.
    • Highlight the importance of self-publishing and independent media.
    • Foster connections within the zine community and introduce new people to zines.

Celebrations and Activities

  1. Zine Making: Individuals and groups are encouraged to create their own zines. This can include writing, drawing, collaging, and other creative methods.
  2. Zine Fests and Fairs: Many cities host zine fests or fairs, where zine creators can showcase their work, trade zines, and connect with others in the community.
  3. Workshops: Libraries, community centers, and bookstores may offer workshops on zine-making, covering topics like layout, printing, and binding.
  4. Reading and Sharing: People are encouraged to read and share zines. This can include swapping zines with friends, donating to zine libraries, or sharing digital zines online.
  5. Social Media Campaigns: Participants share their zine creations, tips, and experiences on social media using hashtags like #InternationalZineMonth or #IZM2023.
  6. Zine Challenges: Engaging in zine-making challenges, such as creating a mini-zine each week or focusing on a specific theme for the month.

Significance of Zines

  1. Personal Expression: Zines provide a platform for individuals to express their thoughts, ideas, and creativity without the constraints of traditional publishing.
  2. Community Building: Zines help build communities by connecting people with shared interests, whether those interests are political, cultural, or purely personal.
  3. Alternative Media: Zines offer an alternative to mainstream media, giving voice to underrepresented or marginalized perspectives.
  4. DIY Ethic: The do-it-yourself nature of zine-making encourages creativity, self-reliance, and independence from commercial interests.
  5. Historical and Cultural Documentation: Zines can serve as historical documents, preserving the thoughts, experiences, and cultural moments of their creators and communities.

Types of Zines

  1. Perzines (Personal Zines): Focus on the creator's personal experiences, thoughts, and reflections.
  2. Fanzines: Dedicated to a particular fandom, such as music, movies, TV shows, or books.
  3. Political Zines: Cover political topics, activism, social justice issues, and advocacy.
  4. Art Zines: Showcase visual art, photography, poetry, and other creative works.
  5. Comic Zines: Feature original comics and graphic stories.
  6. DIY Zines: Offer how-to guides, recipes, craft tutorials, and practical tips.
  7. Literary Zines: Include short stories, essays, poetry, and literary critiques.

Example Activities for International Zine Month

  • Create a Mini-Zine: Make a small, folded zine on a single sheet of paper. Topics could include a day in your life, a favorite hobby, or a short story.
  • Host a Zine Swap: Organize an event where people can trade zines. This can be done in person or through the mail.
  • Visit a Zine Library: Many cities have zine libraries or collections. Spend some time exploring the diverse range of zines available.
  • Collaborative Zine Project: Work with friends or community members to create a collaborative zine on a shared theme or topic.
  • Digital Zine Creation: Experiment with creating digital zines that can be shared online or printed out.

Resources for Zine Makers

  • Zine Libraries and Archives: Institutions like the Barnard Zine Library and the Queer Zine Archive Project offer extensive collections of zines for inspiration and research.
  • Online Communities: Websites and forums like We Make Zines provide a platform for zine creators to connect, share resources, and collaborate.
  • Zine Distributors: Small presses and zine distros (distribution services) like Microcosm Publishing help distribute and sell zines.
  • Workshops and Tutorials: Many organizations offer workshops and online tutorials on zine-making techniques and tools.


International Zine Month is a celebration of the rich and diverse world of zines, promoting creativity, self-expression, and community. Whether you’re a seasoned zinester or new to the world of zines, July offers a fantastic opportunity to dive into zine culture, create your own works, and connect with others who share a passion for independent publishing. Celebrate International Zine Month by making, reading, and sharing zines, and by appreciating the unique voices and perspectives that zines bring to the world.