National Authors Day

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National Authors Day
United States
National Authors Day

When It Occurs

Every November 1st


Days Passed (269)

# Hashtags

Every November 1st, National Authors Day emerges as a prime occasion to immerse oneself in literary pursuits and show gratitude for beloved authors. This day in the middle of the week offers a perfect chance to celebrate and honor the creators behind our favorite stories.


  • Origins: National Authors Day was established in 1928 by Nellie Verne Burt McPherson, a teacher and president of the Bement, Illinois Women’s Club. She proposed the idea to recognize American authors after writing a fan letter to author Irving Bacheller, who responded with an autographed copy of one of his books. In 1949, the United States Department of Commerce officially recognized the day.
  • Growth: Over the years, National Authors Day has gained popularity as a day to celebrate authors of all genres and styles. Libraries, schools, bookstores, and literary organizations often hold events and activities to honor authors and promote reading.


National Authors Day holds significant importance for several reasons:

  1. Recognition: It acknowledges the contributions of authors to culture, education, and entertainment.
  2. Inspiration: It inspires readers to explore new books and writers to pursue their own literary ambitions.
  3. Promotion of Literacy: It highlights the importance of reading and writing in personal and educational development.

Ways to Celebrate

  1. Read a Book:

    • Favorite Author: Spend time reading a book by your favorite author, enjoying their storytelling and craft.
    • New Author: Discover a new author by picking up a book you haven’t read before, expanding your literary horizons.
  2. Attend an Author Event:

    • Book Signings: Check for local author events, such as book signings and readings, at bookstores and libraries.
    • Virtual Events: Participate in virtual author talks and webinars to hear authors discuss their work and writing process.
  3. Write a Review:

    • Book Reviews: Write and share reviews of books you’ve read on platforms like Goodreads, Amazon, or personal blogs. Positive reviews can support authors and help other readers discover new books.
    • Author Appreciation: Send a note or email to an author expressing your appreciation for their work and the impact it has had on you.
  4. Support Local Authors:

    • Buy Books: Purchase books from local authors to support their work and encourage the local literary community.
    • Attend Events: Attend events featuring local authors, such as readings, workshops, and literary festivals.
  5. Start a Book Club:

    • Discussion: Form a book club with friends or join an existing one to discuss books, share recommendations, and engage in lively literary conversations.
    • Themes: Choose a theme for National Authors Day, such as reading works by debut authors or books from a specific genre.
  6. Explore Writing:

    • Writing Exercise: Try your hand at writing by starting a short story, poem, or essay. Use National Authors Day as inspiration to begin your literary journey.
    • Writing Workshop: Attend a writing workshop or join a writing group to improve your skills and connect with other writers.
  7. Visit a Library:

    • Library Event: Check your local library for National Authors Day events, such as author talks, book displays, and writing workshops.
    • Borrow Books: Borrow books by different authors to explore a variety of voices and styles.

Fun Facts About Authors and Writing

  1. Prolific Writers: The most prolific author, L. Ron Hubbard, wrote over 1,000 published works, including fiction, essays, and scripts.
  2. Longest Novel: The longest novel ever written is "In Search of Lost Time" by Marcel Proust, which contains about 1.2 million words.
  3. Young Authors: Christopher Paolini wrote his first novel, "Eragon," when he was just 15 years old, which became a bestseller and part of a popular fantasy series.

Inspirational Quotes About Writing

  1. "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." – Maya Angelou
  2. "You can make anything by writing." – C.S. Lewis
  3. "The scariest moment is always just before you start." – Stephen King


National Authors Day is a celebration of the writers who have enriched our lives with their words, stories, and ideas. Whether you spend the day reading, attending author events, writing, or supporting local authors, there are many ways to participate and show your appreciation for the literary community. National Authors Day encourages everyone to explore new books, celebrate favorite authors, and embrace the joy of reading and writing.