National Deep Fried Clams Day

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National Deep Fried Clams Day
United States
National Deep Fried Clams Day

When It Occurs

Every November 1st


Days Passed (269)

# Hashtags

November 1st marks National Deep Fried Clams Day, a celebration dedicated to the art of deep-frying and indulging in clams. This annual holiday honors the delightful process of frying and savoring these ocean treasures.


  • Origins: The history of deep-fried clams dates back to the early 20th century. The dish is believed to have been popularized in New England, where clams are abundant. Lawrence "Chubby" Woodman of Essex, Massachusetts, is often credited with inventing the fried clam in 1916.
  • Establishment: National Deep Fried Clams Day was established to celebrate this iconic seafood dish and to honor its roots in American culinary tradition, particularly in New England.


National Deep Fried Clams Day holds significant importance for several reasons:

  1. Culinary Tradition: It celebrates a classic American seafood dish that has deep roots in coastal communities.
  2. Gastronomic Delight: It highlights the delicious taste and texture of deep-fried clams, encouraging people to enjoy this treat.
  3. Cultural Appreciation: It promotes the appreciation of seafood and the culinary traditions of coastal regions.

Types of Clams Used

  1. Soft-Shell Clams: Also known as "steamers," these clams are often used for frying due to their tender and sweet meat.
  2. Hard-Shell Clams: Varieties such as quahogs and littlenecks can also be used, though they may require different preparation methods to achieve the desired texture.

How to Make Deep Fried Clams


  • Fresh clams (soft-shell or hard-shell, depending on preference)
  • All-purpose flour
  • Cornmeal
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Salt and pepper
  • Oil for frying (vegetable, canola, or peanut oil)


  1. Prepare the Clams:
    • Clean and shuck the clams, removing the meat. Pat the clam meat dry with paper towels.
  2. Set Up Dredging Station:
    • In one bowl, mix flour, cornmeal, salt, and pepper.
    • In another bowl, whisk together eggs and milk.
  3. Coat the Clams:
    • Dip each piece of clam meat into the egg mixture, then dredge it in the flour and cornmeal mixture, ensuring it is well-coated.
  4. Heat the Oil:
    • Heat the oil in a deep fryer or a large, heavy-bottomed pot to 375°F (190°C).
  5. Fry the Clams:
    • Fry the coated clams in small batches until they are golden brown and crispy, about 2-3 minutes.
    • Use a slotted spoon to transfer the fried clams to a paper towel-lined plate to drain excess oil.
  6. Serve:
    • Serve the deep-fried clams hot with lemon wedges, tartar sauce, or your favorite dipping sauce.

Ways to Celebrate

  1. Dine at a Seafood Restaurant:

    • Local Favorites: Visit a local seafood restaurant known for its deep-fried clams. Coastal areas, especially in New England, often have restaurants that specialize in this dish.
    • Seafood Shacks: Enjoy deep-fried clams at a seaside clam shack for an authentic experience.
  2. Cook at Home:

    • Recipe Experimentation: Try making deep-fried clams at home using the recipe provided. Experiment with different coatings and dipping sauces to find your favorite combination.
    • Family Cooking: Make it a family activity by involving everyone in the preparation and cooking process.
  3. Host a Clam Fry:

    • Gather Friends and Family: Host a clam fry event where you cook and serve deep-fried clams to friends and family. Include other seafood favorites like fried shrimp, calamari, and fish.
    • Potluck Style: Invite guests to bring their favorite side dishes and desserts to complement the fried clams.
  4. Learn About Clams:

    • Educational Content: Read books or watch documentaries about clams and their role in marine ecosystems and culinary traditions.
    • Sustainable Seafood: Educate yourself about sustainable seafood practices and choose clams from sustainable sources.
  5. Share on Social Media:

    • Photos and Recipes: Share pictures of your deep-fried clams and recipes on social media using hashtags like #DeepFriedClamsDay and #FriedClams.
    • Engage Followers: Ask your followers for their favorite ways to enjoy deep-fried clams and share your own experiences.

Fun Facts About Clams

  1. Long History: Clams have been a part of the human diet for thousands of years, with evidence of clam consumption dating back to prehistoric times.
  2. Regional Specialty: Fried clams are especially popular in New England, where they are a staple at seafood restaurants and clam shacks.
  3. Versatile Ingredient: Clams can be prepared in a variety of ways, including steaming, baking, and frying, making them a versatile seafood option.

Inspirational Quotes About Seafood

  1. "The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea." – Isak Dinesen
  2. "Seafood is not just food, it's an experience." – Unknown
  3. "To me, the sea is a continual miracle; The fishes that swim—the rocks—the motion of the waves—the ships, with men in them, What stranger miracles are there?" – Walt Whitman


National Deep Fried Clams Day is a celebration of a beloved seafood dish that brings joy to many, especially in coastal regions. Whether you dine at a seafood restaurant, cook at home, host a clam fry, or learn more about clams, there are many ways to participate in this delicious day. National Deep Fried Clams Day encourages everyone to indulge in the crispy, flavorful goodness of deep-fried clams and appreciate the rich culinary traditions they represent.