National Forget Me Not Day

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National Forget Me Not Day
United States
National Forget Me Not Day

When It Occurs

Every November 10th


Days Passed (260)

# Hashtags

Each year on November 10, we observe National Forget Me Not Day, urging individuals to make an effort to reconnect with those they may have lost touch with. It's an ideal opportunity to reach out to family, friends, and loved ones, particularly those you haven't seen in some time.


  • Origins: National Forget-Me-Not Day was first observed in 1921 by the Forget-Me-Not Club, an organization founded to raise funds for the disabled American soldiers returning from World War I. The day was established to remind people to remember and support the soldiers who had sacrificed so much for their country.
  • Growth: Over time, National Forget-Me-Not Day has evolved to include not only the remembrance of veterans but also the importance of cherishing relationships and reconnecting with loved ones.


National Forget-Me-Not Day holds significant importance for several reasons:

  1. Remembrance: It emphasizes the importance of remembering and honoring those who have impacted our lives, including veterans and loved ones.
  2. Connection: It encourages people to reconnect with friends and family members they may have lost touch with.
  3. Appreciation: It serves as a reminder to appreciate the people in our lives and the moments we share with them.

Ways to Celebrate

  1. Reach Out to Loved Ones:

    • Phone Calls and Letters: Take the time to call, write letters, or send messages to friends and family members you haven't spoken to in a while. Share memories and catch up on each other's lives.
    • Social Media: Use social media platforms to reconnect with old friends and share photos and memories.
  2. Honor Veterans:

    • Support Veterans: Donate to organizations that support veterans and their families. Volunteer your time or resources to help those in need.
    • Veteran Visits: Visit a local veterans' hospital or home to spend time with veterans and show your appreciation for their service.
  3. Plant Forget-Me-Nots:

    • Garden Planting: Plant forget-me-not flowers in your garden as a living tribute to those you want to remember. The flowers can serve as a beautiful and lasting reminder of your connections.
    • Community Gardens: Participate in a community garden project to plant forget-me-nots and other flowers, fostering a sense of community and remembrance.
  4. Create and Share Memories:

    • Photo Albums: Create a photo album or scrapbook filled with memories of loved ones and significant events. Share it with family and friends to relive those moments together.
    • Memory Jars: Start a memory jar where you and your family can write down happy memories, achievements, and moments of gratitude throughout the year. Read them together on National Forget-Me-Not Day.
  5. Acts of Kindness:

    • Random Acts: Perform random acts of kindness for friends, family, and strangers. These gestures can help create positive memories and strengthen relationships.
    • Gift Giving: Give small forget-me-not themed gifts, such as flower seeds, jewelry, or artwork, to remind people of your appreciation and love.
  6. Educational Activities:

    • Learn Together: Take the opportunity to learn more about the history of National Forget-Me-Not Day and the symbolism of the forget-me-not flower. Share this knowledge with others.
    • Storytelling: Share stories about the people who have influenced your life. This can be done in person, through written essays, or via social media.

Fun Facts About Forget-Me-Not Flowers

  1. Symbolism: The forget-me-not flower symbolizes true love, remembrance, and enduring connections. It is often used to commemorate loved ones who have passed away.
  2. Botanical Name: The scientific name for forget-me-nots is Myosotis, which means "mouse's ear" in Greek, referring to the shape of the flower's leaves.
  3. Color: Forget-me-nots are typically blue, but they can also be found in pink, white, and purple varieties.

Inspirational Quotes About Remembrance

  1. "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die." – Thomas Campbell
  2. "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." – Mahatma Gandhi
  3. "Memories are the treasures that we keep locked deep within the storehouse of our souls." – Becky Aligada


National Forget-Me-Not Day is a heartfelt reminder to cherish and remember the important people and moments in our lives. Whether by reaching out to loved ones, honoring veterans, planting forget-me-nots, creating memories, or performing acts of kindness, there are many ways to celebrate this meaningful day. National Forget-Me-Not Day encourages everyone to reconnect, appreciate, and remember, fostering enduring connections and cherished memories.