National Heimlich Maneuver Day

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National Heimlich Maneuver Day
United States
National Heimlich Maneuver Day

When It Occurs

Every June 1st


Days Passed (514)

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June 1 marks National Heimlich Maneuver Day, a day dedicated to recognizing a vital technique that can potentially save someone from choking. The Heimlich maneuver involves applying an abdominal thrust by positioning your fist slightly above the navel of a choking individual. Using your other hand, you grip your fist and forcefully push it inward and upward, aiming to dislodge the obstructing object and restore normal breathing.

History of the Heimlich Maneuver

The Heimlich maneuver was developed by Dr. Henry Heimlich, an American thoracic surgeon, in 1974. Before its introduction, choking was a significant cause of accidental death in the U.S., and there were limited methods to dislodge foreign objects from a person's airway. Dr. Heimlich's maneuver revolutionized first aid practices by providing a simple, non-invasive technique to quickly and effectively assist choking victims.

The maneuver involves abdominal thrusts that force air from the lungs, creating an artificial cough that can expel the object blocking the airway. The technique was widely publicized and adopted by medical professionals and the general public, becoming the standard first-aid response for choking emergencies.

How the Heimlich Maneuver Works

The Heimlich maneuver can be performed on adults, children, and even pets in cases of choking. The steps are simple but must be performed correctly to be effective:

  1. Assess the Situation: If a person is coughing, encourage them to keep coughing, as this is their body’s way of trying to expel the object. If they are unable to cough, speak, or breathe, this indicates a full airway obstruction, and the Heimlich maneuver may be necessary.

  2. Position Yourself: Stand behind the choking person and place your arms around their waist.

  3. Form a Fist: Make a fist with one hand and place it just above the person’s navel, below the rib cage.

  4. Apply Pressure: Grasp your fist with your other hand and perform quick, inward, and upward thrusts into the person’s abdomen. This motion forces the diaphragm upward, increasing pressure in the lungs and potentially expelling the object.

  5. Repeat: Continue to perform thrusts until the object is expelled or the person can breathe again. If the person becomes unconscious, begin CPR and call for emergency medical assistance.

For children and smaller individuals, the procedure is similar, though care should be taken to apply gentler thrusts.

Importance of the Heimlich Maneuver

National Heimlich Maneuver Day emphasizes the importance of being prepared to handle a choking emergency. Choking can happen suddenly, and every second counts. Whether at home, in a restaurant, or at a social gathering, knowing how to perform the Heimlich maneuver can mean the difference between life and death.

Common Causes of Choking

Choking occurs when an object, usually food, becomes lodged in the throat or airway, preventing air from reaching the lungs. Common choking hazards include:

  • Large chunks of food (meat, bread, etc.)
  • Hard candy
  • Grapes, nuts, or popcorn
  • Small toys or objects (especially for children)

The Heimlich maneuver is particularly useful in these cases because it provides immediate relief from airway obstruction.

Recognition and Adoption

Since its invention, the Heimlich maneuver has become a recognized first aid procedure worldwide. It is commonly taught in first aid and CPR classes, and posters explaining the maneuver can often be found in restaurants and public places. In some cases, the Heimlich maneuver has even been self-administered by individuals who are choking and alone.

Controversies and Modifications

Although the Heimlich maneuver is widely accepted, there have been some controversies and developments over the years:

  • Red Cross Guidelines: In 2006, the American Red Cross modified its guidelines, recommending a sequence of back blows followed by abdominal thrusts in cases of choking, rather than the Heimlich maneuver alone. The Red Cross emphasizes that back blows can be effective in dislodging foreign objects from the throat.
  • Dr. Heimlich’s Defense: Dr. Heimlich continued to advocate for the abdominal thrusts alone as the primary response to choking, citing numerous cases where his maneuver successfully saved lives.

Despite these debates, the Heimlich maneuver remains an essential life-saving technique in the U.S. and around the world.

How to Celebrate National Heimlich Maneuver Day

  1. Learn the Heimlich Maneuver: Take the time to learn or refresh your knowledge of the Heimlich maneuver. Many online resources, first aid courses, and community centers offer demonstrations and classes on how to perform the technique.

  2. Spread Awareness: Use social media or other platforms to raise awareness about the importance of knowing how to respond to choking emergencies. Share videos or articles explaining how to perform the Heimlich maneuver, and encourage your friends and family to learn it too.

  3. Practice with Friends or Family: Practice the steps of the Heimlich maneuver with someone at home, using a pillow or other soft object to simulate the technique. Being familiar with the steps can help you react quickly in an actual emergency.

  4. Host a First Aid Event: If you are part of a school, community group, or workplace, consider hosting a first aid event where participants can learn and practice the Heimlich maneuver and other basic life-saving techniques like CPR.

  5. Thank First Responders: Recognize the critical role that first responders, such as paramedics and emergency medical personnel, play in saving lives. Consider supporting local first aid initiatives or thanking individuals who have used the Heimlich maneuver to save someone.

Legacy of Dr. Henry Heimlich

Dr. Henry Heimlich’s contribution to medical science has saved countless lives. In addition to the Heimlich maneuver, he made other contributions to healthcare, including the development of the Heimlich Chest Drain Valve, used for treating collapsed lungs. Dr. Heimlich passed away in 2016, but his legacy continues to live on through his life-saving techniques.


National Heimlich Maneuver Day on June 1st serves as a reminder of the importance of knowing basic first aid, especially how to respond to choking emergencies. The Heimlich maneuver is a quick and effective technique that can save lives, making it essential for everyone to learn and practice. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, caregiver, or just someone who wants to be prepared, taking the time to understand the Heimlich maneuver could help you save a life when it matters most.