National Linguine Day

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National Linguine Day
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National Linguine Day


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The pesto's blended, the shrimp's boiled, and now it's time for the crucial addition — linguine. Happy National Linguine Day on September 15th!

Linguine, translating to "little tongues" in Italian, boasts an ancient pasta lineage. Nearly 400 years ago, this signature shape, along with its cousin fettuccine, began gracing bowls throughout Italy's Liguria region.

History of Linguine

  • Origins: Linguine, which means "little tongues" in Italian, originated in the Liguria region of Italy. The pasta's flat, narrow shape is perfect for holding a variety of sauces, making it a versatile ingredient in many dishes.
  • Evolution: While traditionally paired with pesto, linguine has evolved to become a popular choice for many types of sauces, including seafood, tomato-based, and creamy sauces.

Characteristics of Linguine

  • Shape: Linguine is similar to fettuccine and spaghetti but is flatter and wider than spaghetti, yet not as wide as fettuccine. Its unique shape makes it ideal for thick or creamy sauces that cling to its surface.
  • Texture: When cooked al dente, linguine has a firm texture that provides a satisfying bite, which complements both light and rich sauces.

Significance of National Linguine Day

  • Culinary Celebration: This day is a celebration of culinary creativity, encouraging people to enjoy and experiment with linguine in various dishes.
  • Cultural Appreciation: It provides an opportunity to appreciate Italian cuisine and its influence on global culinary traditions.

How to Celebrate National Linguine Day

  1. Cooking Linguine at Home:

    • Classic Recipes: Prepare classic dishes like Linguine alle Vongole (linguine with clams), Linguine al Pesto (linguine with pesto sauce), or Linguine Alfredo.
    • Creative Variations: Experiment with new recipes by combining linguine with different ingredients like seafood, vegetables, and various sauces. Try making linguine with a spicy tomato sauce, a creamy mushroom sauce, or a garlic and olive oil sauce.
  2. Dining Out:

    • Italian Restaurants: Visit a local Italian restaurant and order a linguine dish. Many restaurants offer special dishes on National Linguine Day.
    • Chef’s Specials: Look for chef’s specials that feature linguine prepared in unique and innovative ways.
  3. Hosting a Linguine Dinner Party:

    • Invite Friends and Family: Host a dinner party where linguine is the star of the menu. Prepare a variety of linguine dishes to showcase its versatility.
    • Cooking Together: Encourage guests to participate in the cooking process, sharing recipes and cooking tips.
  4. Social Media Celebration:

    • Share Photos and Recipes: Post pictures of your linguine dishes on social media using the hashtag #NationalLinguineDay. Share your favorite recipes and cooking experiences.
    • Cooking Videos: Create and share cooking videos demonstrating how to make your favorite linguine recipes.
  5. Educational Activities:

    • Learn About Italian Cuisine: Take the opportunity to learn more about Italian cuisine, its history, and the various types of pasta.
    • Pasta-Making Classes: Enroll in a pasta-making class to learn how to make fresh linguine from scratch.

Popular Linguine Recipes

  1. Linguine alle Vongole:

    • Ingredients: Linguine, clams, garlic, white wine, olive oil, parsley, and red pepper flakes.
    • Instructions: Cook the linguine according to package instructions. In a large pan, sauté garlic in olive oil, add clams and white wine, and cook until the clams open. Toss the cooked linguine with the clam sauce and garnish with parsley.
  2. Linguine al Pesto:

    • Ingredients: Linguine, fresh basil, garlic, pine nuts, Parmesan cheese, and olive oil.
    • Instructions: Cook the linguine according to package instructions. In a food processor, blend basil, garlic, pine nuts, and Parmesan cheese while slowly adding olive oil until smooth. Toss the cooked linguine with the pesto sauce.
  3. Linguine Alfredo:

    • Ingredients: Linguine, heavy cream, butter, garlic, Parmesan cheese, and black pepper.
    • Instructions: Cook the linguine according to package instructions. In a large pan, melt butter, add garlic, and sauté until fragrant. Add heavy cream and Parmesan cheese, stirring until the sauce thickens. Toss the cooked linguine with the Alfredo sauce and season with black pepper.

Fun Facts about Linguine

  • Regional Specialty: Linguine is a specialty of the Liguria region in Italy, which is also known for its seafood and pesto.
  • Perfect Pairings: Linguine is traditionally paired with seafood sauces, especially those featuring clams, due to its ability to hold the sauce well.
  • Name Meaning: The name "linguine" means "little tongues" in Italian, a nod to its shape.


National Linguine Day is a delightful celebration of one of Italy’s most versatile and beloved pasta shapes. Whether you prefer it with a simple olive oil and garlic sauce, a rich Alfredo, or a fresh and zesty pesto, linguine offers endless culinary possibilities. Celebrate the day by cooking your favorite linguine dishes, dining out at an Italian restaurant, or sharing your love for linguine with friends and family. It’s a perfect occasion to indulge in the flavors of Italian cuisine and appreciate the joy of good food.