National Monkey Day

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National Monkey Day
United States
National Monkey Day

When It Occurs

Every December 14th


Days Passed (226)

# Hashtags

National Monkey Day is celebrated annually on December 14th in the United States. This day is dedicated to celebrating monkeys and other non-human primates, raising awareness about their conservation and the threats they face in the wild. National Monkey Day encourages people to learn about these fascinating animals, support conservation efforts, and appreciate the important role monkeys play in ecosystems and scientific research.


  • Origins: National Monkey Day was created in 2000 by artists Casey Sorrow and Eric Millikin while they were art students at Michigan State University. It started as a humorous celebration but quickly gained traction and evolved into a day focused on primate awareness and conservation.
  • Purpose: The day aims to bring attention to the various species of monkeys and the challenges they face, including habitat loss, hunting, and the illegal pet trade. It also celebrates the intelligence and diversity of these remarkable animals.


National Monkey Day holds significant importance for several reasons:

  1. Conservation Awareness: It raises awareness about the critical conservation issues affecting monkeys and other primates.
  2. Education and Appreciation: It provides an opportunity to educate the public about the diversity, behavior, and importance of monkeys in the natural world.
  3. Scientific Contribution: It highlights the role of monkeys in scientific research and their contributions to our understanding of biology, medicine, and behavior.

Ways to Celebrate

  1. Learn About Monkeys:

    • Books and Documentaries: Read books or watch documentaries about different species of monkeys, their habitats, behaviors, and conservation status.
    • Educational Resources: Explore educational websites and resources from organizations dedicated to primate conservation.
  2. Visit a Zoo or Sanctuary:

    • Zoo Visits: Visit a local zoo or wildlife sanctuary that houses monkeys and other primates. Learn about their care and the conservation efforts supported by these institutions.
    • Sanctuary Tours: Take a virtual or in-person tour of a primate sanctuary that rescues and rehabilitates monkeys, providing them with a safe environment.
  3. Support Conservation Efforts:

    • Donations: Donate to organizations that work to protect monkeys and their habitats, such as the Jane Goodall Institute, Wildlife Conservation Society, or local primate rescue groups.
    • Fundraisers: Participate in or organize fundraisers to support primate conservation projects.
  4. Spread Awareness:

    • Social Media: Share facts, photos, and information about monkeys on social media using hashtags like #NationalMonkeyDay and #MonkeyDay. Highlight the importance of conservation and ways people can help.
    • Community Events: Organize or attend community events, seminars, or workshops focused on primate conservation and education.
  5. Adopt a Monkey:

    • Symbolic Adoptions: Many conservation organizations offer symbolic adoption programs where you can "adopt" a monkey. The funds raised support conservation efforts and provide care for rescued primates.
    • Gifts and Sponsorships: Consider adopting a monkey as a gift for someone who loves animals, or sponsor a primate in a sanctuary.
  6. Create Monkey-Themed Art:

    • Art Projects: Engage in monkey-themed art projects, such as drawing, painting, or crafting monkey figures. Share your creations with friends and family.
    • Photography: If you enjoy photography, visit places where you can photograph monkeys and share your images to raise awareness.
  7. Teach Children About Monkeys:

    • Educational Activities: Plan educational activities for children, such as reading monkey-themed books, watching nature shows, or doing fun crafts related to monkeys.
    • School Programs: Encourage schools to include lessons about primates and their conservation in their curriculum around this day.

Fun Facts About Monkeys

  1. Diverse Species: There are over 260 species of monkeys, ranging from tiny pygmy marmosets to large mandrills.
  2. Intelligent Creatures: Monkeys are known for their intelligence, problem-solving abilities, and use of tools in the wild.
  3. Social Animals: Many monkey species live in complex social groups with intricate hierarchies and social interactions.

Famous Monkeys in Popular Culture

  1. George: Curious George is a beloved fictional monkey who has been entertaining children through books, television, and movies for decades.
  2. Abu: Abu is the mischievous monkey companion of Aladdin in Disney's animated film "Aladdin."
  3. King Kong: While not a monkey, King Kong is an iconic giant ape in popular culture known from movies and literature.

Inspirational Quotes About Animals and Conservation

  1. "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." – Mahatma Gandhi
  2. "In the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught." – Baba Dioum
  3. "The animal kingdom holds a mirror to our souls, showing us what it means to be truly alive." – Unknown


National Monkey Day is a fun and meaningful celebration that highlights the importance of monkeys in our world. Whether learning about monkeys, visiting a zoo or sanctuary, supporting conservation efforts, spreading awareness, adopting a monkey, creating art, or teaching children, there are many ways to honor this day. National Monkey Day encourages everyone to appreciate the diversity and intelligence of monkeys, while also supporting efforts to protect them and their habitats.