Partition Horrors Remembrance Day

testimonial testimonial
Partition Horrors Remembrance Day
Partition Horrors Remembrance Day


Days Passed (348)

Partition Horrors Remembrance Day, also referred to as Vibhajan Vibhishika Smriti Diwas, is an annual national memorial observed on August 14 in India, dedicated to recalling the victims and hardships endured during the 1947 partition of India. Instituted in 2021 following an announcement by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the day serves as a poignant tribute to those affected by the partition's tragic events.

It solemnly reflects on the tribulations faced by numerous Indians, with families displaced and lives lost during this tumultuous period. The day's overarching objective is to prompt reflection on the imperative to eliminate social divisions and disharmony, fostering a renewed commitment to unity, social harmony, and human empowerment among the Indian populace.

The partition, an event that displaced 10 to 20 million people and resulted in the loss of 200 thousand to 2 million lives, remains an indelible chapter in India's history.