Stand Up To Cancer Day

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Stand Up To Cancer Day
United States
Stand Up To Cancer Day


Days Passed (323)

Absolutely, Stand Up To Cancer Day falls on the second Friday of September, observed on September 13 this year. It serves as a crucial day dedicated to raising cancer awareness and rallying support for the ongoing fight against this disease. This annual observance, initiated in 2008, has significantly gathered support from researchers, scientists, advocates, and the public in the fight against cancer. It's an opportunity for individuals and communities to come together, raise awareness, and stand united in support of those affected by cancer.

History of Stand Up To Cancer Day

  • Origins: Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) was founded in 2008 by a group of women in the entertainment and media industry who had been personally affected by cancer. Their mission was to channel the power of media and entertainment to engage the public in supporting cancer research.
  • First Broadcast: The first SU2C telecast aired on September 5, 2008, and featured a variety of celebrities and cancer survivors sharing their stories and urging the public to donate. The telecast raised over $100 million for cancer research.

Objectives of Stand Up To Cancer Day

  • Raising Awareness: Increasing public awareness about cancer, its impact, and the importance of funding research.
  • Funding Research: Raising funds to support innovative cancer research projects and clinical trials.
  • Encouraging Collaboration: Promoting collaboration among researchers, institutions, and the public to accelerate the development of new treatments and cures.
  • Supporting Patients: Providing support and resources for cancer patients and their families.

How to Celebrate and Participate

  1. Donating:

    • Financial Contributions: Donate to Stand Up To Cancer or other cancer research organizations. Every contribution helps fund groundbreaking research and clinical trials.
    • Fundraising Events: Organize or participate in fundraising events such as charity runs, bake sales, or online campaigns.
  2. Spreading Awareness:

    • Social Media: Use social media platforms to share information about Stand Up To Cancer Day, personal stories, and the importance of cancer research. Use the hashtag #StandUpToCancer.
    • Educational Activities: Host or attend informational sessions about cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment options.
  3. Supporting Cancer Patients and Survivors:

    • Volunteering: Volunteer at local hospitals, cancer treatment centers, or support groups to provide assistance and companionship to cancer patients.
    • Care Packages: Create and deliver care packages to cancer patients containing items like blankets, books, and comfort items.
  4. Watching the Telecast:

    • Televised Event: Watch the annual Stand Up To Cancer telecast, which features performances, stories from cancer survivors, and updates on research progress. The event aims to inspire viewers to take action against cancer.
    • Viewing Parties: Host a viewing party with friends and family to watch the telecast together and discuss ways to contribute to the cause.
  5. Advocacy:

    • Policy Support: Advocate for policies and legislation that support cancer research funding and access to quality healthcare for cancer patients.
    • Community Engagement: Engage with local community leaders and organizations to promote cancer awareness and support initiatives.

Impact of Stand Up To Cancer

  • Research Grants: SU2C has provided hundreds of millions of dollars in research grants to multidisciplinary teams and individual investigators working on innovative cancer research projects.
  • Clinical Trials: Funds raised by SU2C have supported numerous clinical trials, leading to new treatments and therapies for various types of cancer.
  • Public Engagement: The SU2C movement has significantly increased public engagement in the fight against cancer, mobilizing millions of people to take action.

Success Stories

  • Breakthroughs: Stand Up To Cancer has been instrumental in supporting research that has led to significant breakthroughs in cancer treatment, including immunotherapy and targeted therapies.
  • Survivor Stories: Many cancer survivors credit SU2C-supported research and treatments for their recovery. Their stories serve as powerful testimonials to the impact of the organization's work.

Inspirational Quotes

  • “Cancer is not a death sentence, but rather it is a life sentence; it pushes one to live.” – Marcia Smith
  • “You have to be willing to stand up to cancer. Not just for yourself, but for everyone.” – Unknown


Stand Up To Cancer Day is a powerful reminder of the ongoing battle against cancer and the importance of continued support for research and patient care. By participating in this observance, individuals can contribute to the collective effort to find cures and improve the lives of those affected by cancer. Whether through donations, raising awareness, or offering support to patients, everyone can play a role in standing up to cancer.