World Development Information Day

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World Development Information Day
World Development Information Day

When It Occurs

Every October 24th


Days to Come (8)

# Hashtags

World Development Information Day (WDID) is observed by the United Nations every year on October 24th. Instituted in 1972 by the UN General Assembly, the day serves to heighten awareness of development issues and emphasize the necessity for international collaboration in addressing them.

WDID concentrates on enhancing information dissemination and engaging public opinion, with a particular emphasis on reaching out to young people. In recent years, numerous events have spotlighted the potential of modern information technologies in raising awareness and finding solutions to issues related to trade and development.

History and Background

  • Establishment: World Development Information Day was first observed in 1972, following a resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly. The date, October 24th, coincides with United Nations Day, which commemorates the anniversary of the founding of the UN in 1945.

  • Purpose: The day aims to focus global attention on the importance of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in advancing development goals, reducing poverty, promoting economic growth, and achieving sustainable development.

Objectives of World Development Information Day

  • Raise Awareness: Increase awareness about development issues, challenges, and opportunities at local, national, and international levels.

  • Promote Information Access: Advocate for universal access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) as tools for development, education, healthcare, and empowerment.

  • Highlight Development Achievements: Celebrate progress and achievements in development initiatives, programs, and projects worldwide.

Themes and Focus Areas

  • Annual Themes: Each year, World Development Information Day may focus on specific themes related to development priorities, sustainable development goals (SDGs), and global challenges such as poverty, hunger, health, education, gender equality, and environmental sustainability.

Activities and Events

  • Conferences and Symposia: United Nations agencies, governments, NGOs, academic institutions, and private sector organizations organize conferences, seminars, and workshops to discuss development issues and share knowledge and best practices.

  • Public Campaigns: Raise awareness through public campaigns, social media initiatives, and digital platforms that highlight the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in promoting development and improving quality of life.

  • Education and Training: Provide education and training programs on ICTs, digital literacy, and information management to empower communities and individuals to participate in and benefit from development opportunities.

Global Impact and Achievements

  • Data and Information Sharing: Promote the sharing of data, information, and knowledge across borders and sectors to facilitate evidence-based decision-making and policy formulation.

  • Digital Inclusion: Support initiatives that bridge the digital divide and ensure equal access to ICTs, internet connectivity, and digital resources for all individuals and communities, particularly in developing countries.

  • Capacity Building: Strengthen institutional capacity and infrastructure for information management, technology adoption, and innovation in support of sustainable development goals.

How to Participate

  • Learn: Educate yourself about development issues, global challenges, and the role of ICTs in achieving sustainable development goals.

  • Advocate: Advocate for policies, programs, and investments that promote digital inclusion, ICT infrastructure development, and information access for development.

  • Engage: Participate in local events, seminars, and discussions on World Development Information Day to contribute ideas, share experiences, and collaborate on development initiatives.

World Development Information Day serves as a platform to promote awareness, collaboration, and action towards achieving inclusive and sustainable development through information and communication technologies. By harnessing the power of information and fostering global cooperation, individuals and organizations can contribute to building a more equitable and prosperous world for all.