Yorkshire day

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Yorkshire day
United Kingdom
Yorkshire day


Days Passed (404)

Yorkshire Day, observed annually on August 1st, serves as a celebration aimed at promoting the rich history of Yorkshire, England. Established by the Yorkshire Ridings Society in 1975, initially in Beverley, it originated as a "protest movement against the local government re-organisation of 1974."

August 1st also holds significance as the day the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 was passed during the British Empire in 1834. This legislation, campaigned for by Yorkshire MP William Wilberforce, marked a crucial step in the emancipation movement. Additionally, the day has historical ties to the Light Infantry, the successors to the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, celebrating Minden Day in remembrance of the battle of Minden. Alongside five other infantry regiments of the British Army, the tradition permits wearing a rose in the headdress. In the case of the Light Infantry, the rose is white.